- Tim Dineen

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About: Tim Dineen


SEO Professional Observations by Tim Dineen


SEMNE: Thank you!

I've attended several SEMNE events/seminars in the past two years and want to formally thank Jill Whalen, Pauline Jakober, and new director Jonathan Hochman for the opportunities for networking and learning that SEMNE provides.

S.E.M.N.E. stands for: Search Engine Marketing New England.

As a search marketer since the 1990s, for a long time I desired a means to be able to meet people that do the same thing I do and SEMNE provides exactly that opportunity in addition to the chance for learning at a minimal cost.

To all in New England, and even New York, I highly recommend these events. SEMNE offers a super way to network with others from our own area and learn from the presenters at the same time.

Excluding the time to commute, a known factor to everyone throughout the Northeast US, it's generally much easier to attend an occasional one-night seminar/event than it is to get away for a week-long conference such as SMX, SES or PubCon. Even if it's a long commute, it's worth taking the time to get to CT, Mass, Rhode Island or wherever.

Just checkout some of the past presenters to see how far a typical $39 or $49 entry fee goes. These are the events I've been able to attend so far:

Thanks to all involved for creating a great organization and continuing to provide excellent content!




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