- Tim Dineen

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About: Tim Dineen


SEO Professional Observations by Tim Dineen


Exposure, Indeed!

job search by IndeedI've recently decided to leave my job as Online Marketing Manager at Indeed.com. I served the vertical search engine for jobs as the SEO, SEM, PPC manager...

I helped Indeed grow 7-800% to 16 million unique visitors per month globally during my 2+ years with the company. Indeeed is now one of the top employment websites in the world. I'm still a huge fan of Indeed.com

Posted by Tim Dineen -- 7/16/2009

WTNH job search video

Twitter for job search

I was recently interviewed on WTNH-TV news for this story about using social media to find a job.

We talked about how people are using the Internet to communicate in new ways. Web forums have been around a long time and now we have Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin and other social sites helping people communicate about anything, including jobs.

Indeed.com offers various ways for people to take their job search to another level. When doing a job search, people can continue to interact via job forums as well as follow links to find friends who may work at a target company by using Facebook or Linkedin.

Posted by Tim Dineen -- 5/1/2009

US map of SEO jobs

Where the SEO jobs are

From a sample of 1000 recent SEO jobs, I've gathered a snapshot view of where the SEO jobs are located around the US.

There have been well done posts and surveys talking about SEO salaries lately. And posts discussing where the talent is. Does it match with where the opportunities are? Where are the SEO jobs? This answers that question.

Posted by Tim Dineen -- 12/1/2008


InHousers - The network for In-House SEO/SEM pros

InHousers - an InHouse SEO and SEM network!

This is a call for all In-House SEOs and SEMs to join us at the network/community site InHousers.com - come and participate in In-House related conversations without the distraction from bloggers, SMMs, agency folks, self-promoters, etc.

Join conversations related to InHouse SEO without the clutter!

Visit: InHousers.com

Posted by Tim Dineen -- 10/26/2008

FYI: Personal - New Baby!

OK, this has nothing to do with SEO or Twitter or etc... I'm a proud dad, again, with a new baby girl!

Posted by Tim Dineen -- 10/16/2008

SEMNE - Thank you!

I've attended several SEMNE events/seminars in the past two years and want to formally thank Jill Whalen, Pauline Jakober, and new director Jonathan Hochman for the opportunities for networking and learning that SEMNE provides.

Posted by Tim Dineen -- 9/16/2008

PPC jobs

Check out the Twitter account @ppcjobs

Or get your own feed at www.Indeed.com
- See PPC jobs

Posted by Tim Dineen -- 7/11/2008

SEO jobs

For the past month or so, I've been hosting a Twitter feed for SEO jobs. Check out the Twitter account @seojobs

Or get your own feed at www.Indeed.com

Update 6/3/2009: @seojobs SEOjobs is now part of Onward Search! Follow @onwardsearch for more SEO jobs, placement, career info, news & events.

Posted by Tim Dineen -- 6/21/2008

This week's bookmarks

By Tim Dineen
Some call them bookmarks, or others say its linky-goodness, or delicious... These are just a few items I felt worthy of sharing with friends and collegues this week:

Beating Matt Cutts at a Black Hat game

Beating Matt Cutts at a Black Hat game

By Tim Dineen
Via host SEOmoz: enjoying a game of Black Hat vs. White Hat (vs. Matt Cutts) in Werewolf at PubCon 2007.

Indeed.com on Time mag Top 10 websites of 2007

Indeed.com on Time mag Top 10 websites of 2007

By Tim Dineen
Job Search Engine Indeed.com selected to Time magazine's Top 10 websites of 2007.

Pubcon Las Vegas 2007 events list:

Pubcon Las Vegas 2007 events list:

By Tim Dineen
Headed to PubCon (and Las Vegas) for the first time, I started a thread to track special events and planned parties to make the most of my first PubCon experience

PS: Thanks to all for a great experience!

Tim Dineen - Archive 2007


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